Thursday, December 16, 2010

I wonder what i would be like if i chose to pick up a second job????

Mary Kay vs. Dillard’s
Two women decide to go get part-time jobs to earn some extra cash.
WOMAN 1 goes to Dillard’s to work part-time at 15 hours per week for $7/hour.
WOMAN 2 decides to start a Mary Kay business part-time
Woman 1 gets up and goes to her full-time job, works 8-5, rushes home and slaps some dinner on
the table for her husband & children while she quickly changes clothes and manages to get out the
door without eating herself.  She goes into her part-time job and works the 6-9 shift, getting home
at 9:30 after doing after-hours clean-up.  She’s spent a total of 3 hours of work.
Woman 2 gets up and goes to her full-time job, works 8-5 and comes home.  Since it’s her meeting
night, the kids are excited because it’s pizza-night with Daddy and she promptly pops a frozen pizza
in the oven and goes upstairs to change into her suit.  She leaves at 5:45 to pick up her guests for
her Monday Night Success Event and from 6:30-8:30 is celebrated, recognized, trained, and
motivated.  She sold $200 to her 2 guests and booked their second appointments for next week’s
meeting since they had so much fun!  After returning her guests to their home, she has spent a total
of 3 hours of her time and profited $100!
Woman 1 gets up and goes to her full-time job, works 8-5, rushes the kids to dance class and drives
through McDonald’s on her way to the part-time job. She works the 6-9 shift, getting home at 9:30
again.  She’s spent a total of 3 hours of work.
Woman 2 gets up and goes to her full-time job, works 8-5 and eats dinner with her family.  She and
her husband then take the kids to soccer practice.
Woman 1 gets up and goes to her full-time job, works 8-5, picks the dog up from the vet & drops
both the dog and the kids at home with her husband and gets to her part-time job.  She works the 6-
9 shift, getting home at 9:30 again.  She’s spent a total of 3 hours of work.
Woman 2 gets up and goes to her full-time job, works 8-5 and picks up the family to go to dinner.
They all go to church together that evening.
Woman 1 gets up and goes to her full-time job, works 8-5, rushes home and slaps some dinner on
the table for her husband & children and scarfs down a few bites while she quickly changes clothes
and manages to get out the door.  She works the 6-9 shift, getting home at 9:30 again.  She’s spent
a total of 3 hours of work.
Woman 2 gets up and goes to her full-time job, works 8-5 and comes home.  She picks up her
children and drops them off at her sister’s house to play with her niece and nephew while her
husband is at his weekly bowling league.  Then, she has a skin care class with 1 hostess and 4 of her
friends.  She sells $400 in 2 hours, books all 4 new ladies for their 2nd appointments and 3 agree to
be hostesses.  The hostess is coming to her Monday night meeting to hear more about the opportunity!  Woman 1 has profited $200 and joyfully goes back to her sister’s house to pick up the
kids and her sister remembers that she’s out of cleanser and moisturizer and can she please have a
few more catalogs to give the girls at work?  Boom!  Another $40 in sales with future sales coming!
Woman 1 gets up and goes to her full-time job, works 8-5 and comes home, tired after a grueling
week.  She takes a long hot bath and crawls into her pajamas after taking 2 Tylenol and letting her
husband know that she’s had a long week and is going to bed early.
Woman 2 gets up and goes to her full-time job, works 8-5 and comes home and has Fun Family
Woman 1 gets up to head into Dillard’s.  She’s scheduled for the 10-1 shift.  Her husband is
responsible for taking the kids to soccer and cheering them on for their games.  She gets paid today
though so she sticks her paycheck in her purse and goes home.
Woman 2 has a morning skin care class at her unit’s training center.  Her husband takes the kids to
their soccer game and cheers them on!  She has 1 hostess and 2 guests attend from 10-noon and
they have a ball!  She sold $400, booked 2 re-check facials and signed one new team member!  Her
profit is $200 and she’s consistently booking and sharing the opportunity.  She leaves and joins her
family for lunch after the game and her new team member is so excited to join a company that leads
its sales force with priorities!
Woman 1 is so tired from the long week that she debates skipping church today.
Woman 2 and her family go to church and stay after for some fellowship.  She runs into two of her
friends who just got her Preferred Customer mailing and really want to try some of the products,
so she books them to come to her Monday night meeting.  Her family has lunch and enjoys the rest
of the day together.  She does spend 1 hour of phone time that evening as her husband gives the
kids their baths.
End-of-week stats:
Woman 1 worked 15 hours @ $7/hour = $105 pretax ~$75-80 take-home
Woman 2 worked 8 hours and sold $1040 and profited $520.  She has booked 8 new appointments
& has a new team member too!
Woman 1 is tired, over-worked, and has little energy or time to spend with her family.
Woman 2 is energized, celebrated, works smart-not hard, and has ample time to spend with her
God and her family while managing a full-time job.

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